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The Cottage Animal Clinic | Veterinary Clinic

Call us Today! (252) 238-2400

  We are a Walk-In Clinic!

  ( we do not take appointments )

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Veterinary Care FAQs

  • Why are pet vaccinations important?

    Pet vaccinations help protect your beloved furry friend from the spread of infectious illnesses that can compromise their health. Vaccinations help your pet build antibodies to effectively combat any exposure to the illness they are vaccinated against. 

  • Which vaccinations are necessary for my pet?

    The vaccinations that are necessary for your pet depend on several factors including your pet’s breed, age, lifestyle, and geographic location. Common vaccinations include canine influenza, rabies, distemper, and parvovirus. Consult with your local veterinarian to determine which vaccines are needed to keep your pet protected.

  • How often should my pet receive vaccinations?

    The frequency of pet vaccinations varies depending on the vaccine and your pet's individual needs. Some vaccines require annual boosters, while others may be administered every three years. Your veterinarian will create a vaccination schedule tailored to your pet's specific requirements.

  • What is a wellness exam for pets?

    A wellness exam is comparable to a physical exam performed on humans. They are comprehensive health checks that assess your pet’s overall health and detect any concerns. During the exam, they will check their teeth, paws, eyes, ear, and coat. They may also administer vaccines and offer nutritional advice.

  • How often should my pet undergo a wellness exam?

    Generally, pets should have a wellness exam performed once a year. However, as they age or are diagnosed with certain conditions, they may require more frequent exams.

  • What are emergency veterinarian services?

    Emergency veterinarian services are for medical emergencies that occur at any time of day. Medical emergencies include severe injuries, sudden illness, difficulty breathing, and poisoning. Emergency vets are trained to handle such emergencies and administer the required medical care.

  • How do I know if my pet needs emergency veterinary care?

    Signs that indicate your pet needs emergency veterinary care include difficulty beathing, broken limbs, severe bleeding, loss of consciousness, seizures, and ingestion of toxic substances. If you are unsure if your pet needs emergency medical attention, it is best to contact your local animal hospital.

  • Where can I find emergency veterinarian services?

    Emergency veterinarian services are typically provided by specialized veterinary hospitals or clinics that operate outside of regular business hours. It is advisable to research and identify emergency veterinary facilities in your area beforehand, so you are prepared in case of an emergency. Your regular veterinarian may also provide information on local emergency services.

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